Rediscovering Joy


Over the past year, we have seen huge disruption to our business and the fashion landscape globally. This whole time of pausing and reflecting was a gift for us to rediscover the power of creativity. It has brought me (Cynthia) back to my true passion of drawing fun stories and using that as a channel to bring a smile to people. I have never drawn so much in such a short amount of time!


This is also a time for experimentation and change for improvement. As a brand, meaningful designs, intentional production and human connections are at the forefront of our post-COVID fashion agenda. We all want to be connected with one another and find community. Therefore, we are choosing to operate in our own timeline launching a series of joyful collections and giving more flexibility to collaborate with a network of like-minded creatives. So this is our act of courage and our move to being more resilient. 

Our upcoming new series is going to be something super fun and everyone can relate to. We want to celebrate everyday happiness and spread joy through our work. Join us! Exclusive to our subscribers, pre-order (with a big discount!) is launching in  June. Meanwhile, follow @cynthiaandxiao for sneak peeks and spread the word to your friends to subscribe (point to where) for exclusive items and events! 

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